all postcodes in NW4 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW4 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW4 3AB 0 51.583141 -0.226705
NW4 3AD 16 51.583521 -0.227412
NW4 3AL 9 51.584069 -0.227997
NW4 3AN 0 51.584097 -0.228053
NW4 3AP 2 51.582852 -0.226387
NW4 3AQ 4 51.584877 -0.230076
NW4 3AS 6 51.583018 -0.226655
NW4 3AU 0 51.584252 -0.229176
NW4 3AX 1 51.584261 -0.229147
NW4 3BP 1 51.583443 -0.230392
NW4 3BS 0 51.583565 -0.230918
NW4 3BU 0 51.586151 -0.230095
NW4 3BW 0 51.584195 -0.229583
NW4 3BY 0 51.58585 -0.229818
NW4 3DE 1 51.581401 -0.228173
NW4 3DG 0 51.580986 -0.227482
NW4 3DH 0 51.580496 -0.227169
NW4 3DJ 0 51.579971 -0.227914
NW4 3DL 0 51.579727 -0.227487
NW4 3DN 0 51.57934 -0.227246